Slipped Disc

Hello folks! I am, Dr. Matt Shepard, the number one chiropractor in Bloomington, IL for sport related injuries and repetitive motion injuries. There is not a day, when seeing patients, that I don’t treat someone with a slipped disc. A slipped disc can occur when...

Hamstring tightness or weakness

 Hamstring tightness or weakness EFFECTS OF HAMSTRING WEAKNESS:- Weakness of hamstring muscle produces a significant loss of knee flexion strength. Weakness in knee flexion in the erect posture produces little disability. However, weakness of the hamstrings may...

Back Pain In Cyclist – Anatomy of it all

So let’s take a look at the skeletal anatomy. The spine is the support pillar of your body. The spine includes: seven cervical (neck) vertebrae twelve thoracic vertebrae (mid-back) five lumbar (low back) vertebrae a fused sacrum a fused coccyx Not a moment of...