Foam Roller – Piriformis Muscle Exercise

piriformis muscle exercise, hip painFoam Roller – Piriformis Muscle Exercise

One of my favorite uses of a foam roller is for the purpose of relaxing the piriformis muscle. Typically, after a long day of continual sitting or after working out hip muscles. Foam rolling is a great exercise, whether it was running or weight training, relaxing the piriformis muscle with the aid of a foam roller will help to reduce the effects of muscle strain and increase hip mobility.

To learn more about foam rolling exercises please visit this link to a previous site page written by Dr. Shepard Click Here –>

The video below will demonstrate how to perform a piriformis muscle exercise with the aid of a foam roller. The exercise itself is a simple and effective, way to treat chronic hip tightness and pain in the hip region. Watch the video below to see Dr Shepard perform a recommended way of performing piriformis muscle exercise on a foam roller. (Directions are also written out below the video).

Piriformis Muscle Exercise with a foam roller can be performed by doing the following:

With Foam roller placed at the on an angle, position yourself making sure that the leg you wish to roll is making an “X” with the foam roller. Slowly begin to roll up to the top of your hip and glutes and down to the bottom of your glute region. Repeat process, keeping nice and relaxed.

You may also perform an additional piriformis muscle exercise by performing a piriformis muscle stretch. To what a video on this and to learn more click on this link –>

If you have any questions regarding your hip pain, please feel free to email me at or call the office to schedule an appointment.