Median Nerve and Carpal Tunnel - bnchiro.comTingling in your hands can be self relieved by doing a Median Nerve Floss.

There isn’t one single muscle that travels all the way from your neck to the hand. But there are 3 nerves that do this – your Ulnar, Median, and Radial Nerves.

Out of these 3 nerves, the nerve of the upper limb that gets the most recognition is the median nerve because of its involvement with carpal tunnel. While Active Release Technique is very effective at relieving the cause of carpal tunnel (A.R.T. is my specialty, go here to learn more about it), I usually give my patients a Median Nerve Flossing  exercise to do at home to further their results.

Nerve flossing is basically moving the nerve to try and free it from tight muscles or scar tissue that has caused it to stick to other tissues. Median nerve flossing is a simple yet extremely effective way to treat tingling, pain, and burning sensations that you may have in your hand (pinky excluded, that’s a different nerve – see the picture).

Watch the video below to see me perform a recommended way of flossing your median nerve.

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